Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

The Saints perfefä` freedom,or love to Chrift and zeal for the Lord of Hofts. Iffo beit were fo that they did make God their zeal,and Chrift their ref and their dependance as they would have all beleeve , what is the reafon that thefe men profefling themfelves Servants to Chrift, and Meilengers from Chrift ghats thereafon, I fay, they are fo in love with the world? who morehunting after Honour, afterRiches, after Applaufe and in all thingsPeeking themfelves as much or more then o- thers making no profeflion ? whats the reafon that they muff come forth as meßengers fent out fromChrift,andyet they muft have two coats contrary to their Mafters command ? and they muff have theirfcrtp andbag ; and who more ta- king care to provide for the body, for food and rayment, and the like?and yet they fay they are doing the Lords work, yet dare not truft their Matter for outward things ; (hall a- ny man think thefe men have trufted their fouls with him, who darenot truft their bodies with him, but they muft have fo much a year, and they muff indent with the peopleor elfe they will not work : how fay you ? arcrnot thefe thofe that make merchandife ofthe wordof God ; certainly thefe men can never makeout themfelves meßengers from Chrift. ap- proving themfelves to every mans confcience in the fight ofGod : neither hath he Commifoned them, nor given them their er- rand, nor revealed hisfecrets to them ; but they runbefore they are lent, and fay, thus faith the Lord, when he fent them not, neither have they feen any vlion, as the Prophet faith : Certainly thefe arenot the men thatpreach the wordofGod out ofa ready mind,and conftraint of love, depending on the Lord for their recompenceAnd reward,but for their lucrefake Thefe men never yet received the truth in the love of it in themfelves, but preach for honour, and for praile, and be-, caufe it is a place in credit, and this delights them, and is very pieafing to the flefh, and becaufe they are had in ho- nour, andfo much they will fpeak forth and no more then may f and with thofe things ; and they dare not venture either their honour or riches, or credit, &c. upon the ac- count of truth, no not for their lives. Are thefe ofPauls mind, who cryed out, woe is me if I preach