Liberty indrift ofrted. 263 preachnot the Gofpel ? but thefemen if they canhave but the Cor: ç. accomodations that attend a Minifter in thefe dayes, as riches 16. and honour, and praife, and full tables, and entertainments, andfeaflingo and uppermoflfeats and the like, they will doe well enough for dfpenfing the Gofpel , and do that wa- rily and tenderly enough without prejudicing their own e- fleem, or offending others. And are not thefe men faithful Stewards , think ye Cas they would fain be efteemed) that can thus order their wayes-and keep up themfelves, and dare not for their ears commit thernfèlves nor their works to the Lord, nor to the Authority and power of truth in the hearts ofmen ? I am much grieved to fee thefe things : and yet who feemmore zealous then thefe men,who fay they are do- ing their Lords work? jufl fo did the Pharifees up and down, whom Chrift fo fharply reprovesfor Hypocrifie, and Blznd- nef?, and Covetoufneffe, and Deceivers,&c. being blind leaders Mat.;5.t4 of theblind, andboth fall into the ditch. But the reafon ofall this,is, becaufe thefe men were never yet emptied in themfelves,they never took up the croffe ofChrift, Ibid. 16. or denied themfelves,but are rich, andfùl1, and holy,and wife, 38. end fober, andvery flri& (as they would be thought, and think foof themfelves) fo'r though they tally and babble of thefe things in a litteral way, yet they never had it in experi- ence, but boafi of things in another mans line,and firetch them- 2 Cor. io. (elves beyond their own meafure, borrowing this mans words 14, r5, 'and the other mans experience ; and becaufe Paul and others have beenwitnefres to the truth, and of high manifflations of God brought forth in them, this they appropriate and ar- rogate,and fay is their condition, when tis no fuch matter, but having a (ew of humility and godlinefè they deceive the fmple, fuch whoferve not the Lord Iefws Chrifi but their own Cof. 2,22 beliy,and bygood words, andfair fpeeches deceive the hearts of the Pimple ; and are Inch who cannot give teßimony to the truth in themfelves; they are full of curious colleEted choije words : but if you bring thofe words to experience, they plainly difcover they know nothing of them, but do indeed oppofe the truth in themfelves;for they love honour andgreat- neffe and the ,rairp of men, of whom -Chr ift faith plainly, How