Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

Liberty in Chrifi alerted. And why ? the 'eafon is, becaufe he brings light with him, and that difcovers their darkne%i, their 1} és, their Hypocrif, becaufe he teftifies that their goodly deeds are evil, and upon this account, all (that knownot the life of Chrift in expe- rience) do really hate it, andperfecute it ; for when man hath built up tohimfelfe much glory, riches, f rength, wife- dom, and great attainments, now for Jefus Chrift to come and jirip him and take away all bis beautiful garments, and all hisglory andf rength, here now if man cannot be con- tent to fubmit, and tole allfor Chrift,then he bustles and ftrives to keep up his glory, to keep on his glorious garments, that neither men nor himfelfe may fee his nakedneß, impurity, deformity, ungodlinefs, bypocrify and lyes. Tis true, thou fayeft in words, Jefus Chrift is thy only Deliverer, and thou art leeking after him; iffo, why feekeg thou then the living among the dead ? thinking to find Chrift in dead forms, and deadduties, andordinances (as thou cal- left them)and thinkft that they wil deliver and give life;and when thou haft done themwith force fpirit and quicknefs, here is thy comfort and thy joy, and fo thou fetteft up thyfelf and thy own doings for thy Saviour, Helper, Deliverer. But, why leek ye Chrift and the true Deliverer without your (elves ? for whats all theDeliverers and Chrifls in the world, if if hebe not a Saviour in thee, and a Deliverer in thee ? Why leekye Chrift at Jerufalem and externally , and fay, if I dobut beleeve in that perfon that there lived and died, it is enough, though I never find him a Saviour in me, and to the ? The time is comming when ye (hall neither in this Mountain, nor at Ierufalemworjbip the Father ; for the true Worfhippers(hall worfhip the Father infpirit and in truth ; for theFather feeketh fuck to worfhip him ; for God is a fpirit ; and they that worfhip him, mug worfhip him in fpirit and truth. Now for men tocome in the nameofChrift, and fay, loe here, and loe there, andfay he is in this form and the other mountain, in this ordinance and tother dipping, in thisman- ner and in the other way of breaking of bread and the like; and they think by ufing thefe external things, to imitate Je- Mm fus 265 Ezek: 26. i6. Luk.z4:g. John 4.21 &c.