266 Luk. 13. 27. Ezek. i 3.3 i:uk. to. 4. Johu to.4 5 2 Cor.ft 3. 3 Ibid.c. 3 0 6 The Saints perfafreedom, or lus Chrift, and togive the holy fpirit, and to get grace ; and they come preaching in his name, and in his name have done many great works ; but faith Chrift, Inever knewyou, de- partfrommeye workers ofiniquity. They fay alto, they are Chrifts Nlefengers and Ambafsadours, and that he hath fent thenforth, and yet Chrift hath notfurni teed them for their work, but only being furnifbed from the Letter, and by rea- ding mens Labours, they come forth Audacioufly, and fay, we are the MefsengersofChrifl, when as thefpirit ofChrift neverfurnifhed them;yetthey fay,7husfaith the Lord,andhave Peen nothing, theyhave had novi;on, but fay what others fay, and foprophelie they know not what ; And farther, for all they fay Chrift fends them, yet they dare not truft him, not fomuch as for external maintenance , but they muff have their bag and their wallet, theirfcrip and their maintenance, or elfe they will not do their work ; They dare not commit themfelves to the wifdon, and care, ofhimwhom (they fay) lent them. But in vain came thefe men out in the name of Chrift and bring forth filch fruits ; who can beleeve them , or regard them, or honour them, comming forth in this manner ? furely none that have the power of truth andexpe- rience ofthework of Chrift in them, and that really know him tobe the true and only deliverer : But thofe who are blind as thernfelvs are blind,may indeed be led by them;But myfheep knowmy voice,and the voice of a franger they will not follow : thofe who have experience of Chrift, mufffee a proof ofChrift in them, or elfe they cannot follow them. They know ifChriftfend them, he hash fpoken in them, and that they have heard the wordat his mouth, and he bath preached in their fouls firft,and difcovered himfelf to be A beliverer to them, or elfe they bring but the voice of(rangers, and are but Minifers of the Letter, and not of theSpirit. And let the Ions ofmen run up and down from this feltnw- lhip to theother, from Ordinance to Ordinance, and from Baptifin to Baptifm, from breaking bread here and there, yet is this nothing fo long as thy heart is dead 11111, and lies under the power of¡uß and corruption, and is in bonds and fettersRill ; for except Chrift be thy Deliverer, except he ap- pear