Liberty in Chrifi alerted. 267 pear in thee, except this root of Davidfpring up in thee, ex- Rev. 5, g., cept theLyon of the Tribe of 'Judah arife in thee, all thou cant! do, and all thou canft run unto, cannot ¡aye thee ; no- thing elfe in Heaven or Earth ever canJàve, help, or Deliver thee. tut, if may be; this Do&riue may feem harfh to force, and Obj. they may Objee1, and fay, What then ? (hall I fit í}i11, thall I donothing, tha11 I not ufe the means, (hall I notprepare and fie myJelfe for deliverance ? Confider I pray you, when ye have done what you can, flnfw. what is it you dodo?or what is it man can do to lave or de- liver hinlfelf? is not man dead in treJpafßes andfins ? and can Eph.2.r: any thing raife the dead but the voice of Chrii ? and is there any good thing can be done by them, till Chrift work it ? is not all their works without hintfin ? or can there be any thing properly called a means, or an ordinance but on- ly Him ? when men have reformed themfelves and theirpaths, and trimmed their way to feels love , they have but gone aßray Jcr2. 33 in all this, andgone after their own lovers,and fought them- felves in all they did, andall was nothing elfe but fin and abomination in the fight of theLord. The Eons ofmen are very inquifitive after that which pleafes their fancy,and their own inventions, and feem to pref after high things, and great qucftions, but they really oppofe and delire tobe ig- norant of the truth, as it is in JeJus. They fpeak of Del;- verance, but they really hate it, though they may fay, whatever thou doefl with us, reform tu and make us holy and the like ; but the truth is, they wouldnot have it fo, nor they mean not as they fay : for ifChrift íhould takehis own way with them, viz. to bring man down in himfelf, and to ¡hip himof his beautirlgarments, what wouldbecome of there mewfmooth words, and long prayers, and feeming devotion? would not their hearts give their mouths the lye , in all they faid, and difcover themfelves tobe groffe and abominable Hypocrits, and indeed wouldwith the Gergefites rather goe out and befeech him to depart out of their Coafls, andwithal! Mat.8.34. 'really pray, depart fromus,for we defirenot the knowledge of Job.21.14 thyways?So that when men whowere never y et loft,undone, Mm 2 and