Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

TheSaints perfea freedom,or liverance, nor the Deliverer 7 and when he doth them in thee, then they are donewith power ; thou prayeft from a re1:ìlfenfè of want, and thou heareft with a circumciJed ear, and theta thy reading is in thepower ofthe fpirit, and be awa- Efa. 5o.4. keth thine ear tobear : for that is not true or fpiritual rea- ding, andhearing, and praying, which every man may doe outwardly, though it be never fo often, and never fo con- ffantly and yet men call thefe DV 2" IES and ORD I- NANCE S, and conformity, and holy walking, when theyare never fo, except Chriff the Deliverer perform them in them, by the power ofhis fpirit, and otherwife they are not fpi- ritual nor holy duties as menfafly call them ; for they are but outward and carnal, and nothing ofthe fpirit in them, but done onely by thepower offélf, and of the carnal natural man. Mar.; 34, And therefore when Chrift teacheth, He openeth the ear, 35 and He givesfibt to the blind ; his work is not an empty,cold, Joh.6.63 dead thing ; but his wordisfpirit and life, and he requires an ear in an ear, and an eye in an eye ; He that bath ears to Luke 8.8. hear, let him bear, and eyes to fee let bim fee ; otherwife, whatever manmay call them, they are none of his Ordinan- ces, but they moff prophanlyput their empty, cold, dull,blind, and lame facrifices upon him.Andhereupon thou thinkft and concludeft that He hath been thy Deliverer ; 1 fay, whoever thou art that makeff thy duties, and thy conformity, and in- deed thy Ordinances (for they are none of his) thyfupport,thy comfort, thy refs, in the leaf{, herein thou haft turned from Heb.lo.29 the true deliverer, the true Saviour, and haft trod him under foot and crucified him, and haft made thy felf thy God, thy Deliverer, thy Redeemer, thy Saviour : And the day of the Lord is comming when thefe things will be made toappear to thee, and wrath will come upon thee unexpeiledly, even then when thou thinkeft thy felfe fècure and fafe, and all is well, andwhen thou thinkeft that thy peace is made and rt rath is removed, and there is no more frowns and f orrns from the Almighty , when indeed thou haft all this Ef; 33.8 whilebut madea covenant r6ithdeath and hell, and then the Thef. 5. day ofthe Lord(hall come upon tbee as a thief in the night, when thou