Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

Liberty inChri artecl. 271 thou thinkeft ail is well, and thou mayftfleep fcurely ; then will Chrififummon thee to Judgment, and the Trumpet fhall found in thy own breaft : And when the Son ofman cometb, (hall hefind faithon the earth ? No, but then all the Tribes of the earthPall wait and lament becaufe of him. Even fo A- ME N. Then two(hall begrinding at the Mill, and two in one Bed, the one taken and the other left ; then he that is on the houfe toppallnct come down to take any thing out of his houfe ; for the day of the Lord (hall furprize them on a fuddain and as a tbie fcometh when uo man expe&s him ; and as our Savi- our faith ofhis do&rive , fo do I of thefe things, he that bath ears to-hear let him hear, and he that bath eyes to fee let himfee, and he that hath an heart let him read and under- ftand. I knowBeloved, men talk much ofwhat theyilhoulddoe, as if they were fo willing to do any thing Chriff comman- ded ; butrcally and in truth; what do all thefe men , that feem to be fo much for doing, I fay, what do they doe ? doe they not in all thefe doe quite contrary towhat they thould doe ? IfChrifl bathfynitten them , then He alone can heal them, and yet they will be healing themfelves, and delive- ring themfelves,when they fhould be feeking to jefus Chrift, and looking to him, and waiting upon him tor deliverance And theway to be delivered is not to run to this man and tother Mini/ter) and hang upon this mans preaching, and tother mans counfel ;. no, but thou wouldeft fee that all mans preaching and teaching, and counfel is in vaine, and that there is no other tray, nor no other Peliverer but only jefus Chrift ; thouwouldeft not be tyed to this man or the otter, but thou wouldeft fay of all, even of the w:feft," the gravel, thefobereft, miferahlecomforters areye all. But thy trouble, and thyguilt, and thyftirrg within thee,wouldmake. thee hearken when Iefus Chrift would qualifie thy confcience, and draw forth thy fling, and quench the burning ofHell fire within thee, fo thou mightefl but hear the voice of Chrift : If thou beeft wounded,for any tidings of Chrift, thou wouldeft run from country to country, from land to land, \Ind from lea to fea to hear the veJrd of theLord ; for thou" , voitldeft fee that I Cor. i 5: 52. Luk.i8.8. Rev: i.7: Mar: 24.. 41. I Mark 4.9. i Amos 8. IIi12.