272 Amos 8. E1,12. Joh.6.5 r. Luke 17. w. Nat.6.7, Efiy5.2c: Jer.6.:4-. Ezek.t3. Mark 8. The Saints perfeel freedom, or that in all men there is a famine,not of bread, but of the word of the Lord ; for Chrift only gives forth his word , he is the bread of life , the true bread which commeth down fromHea- ven ; tis not Mofes nor any man cangive thisbread,but only Our heavenly Father. And when thou haft done all that if commanded thee , yet thou muff not aft in thy doing,nor in thy ufing means, nor in thy praying,but fil in all mutt count thy Pelfbut an unprofita- ble fervant. Thou muff not fit down and fay, I have done mypart, 1 haveprayd, andheard , andwallet ffriNy, and joyn'd my felfe to the belt reformed Church : Alas, if thou reff in thefe things, and thinkft, now 1have done well, and it fhall be wel with me ; all this praying and doing Chrift calls vain babbling, and vain repetitions , which is but to doe like the Heathen , who think to be heard for their many words and much babbling ; all this thy doing,which thou keepeft filch a ffir about, is no other then calling darkneffe light, and evil good. Andwhen thou goeft out to look for any Minificr or fervant of Jefus to heale thy wounds, takeheed of the Idol-Jbepbeards, which wil prophefie peace when there rf no peace, to (peak deliverance when Chrift hath not bid them , for none can heale thee but he that hath wounded thee: And fo forany other who prophefie lyes and dawb with untempered morter; who fay to thee,goe thou and repent and believe on Jeíbs Chrift, and thyfins Thal be forgiven thee ; know this is not the way ; neither are they true Prophets,fer repentance and faith is alone Gods gift, and his work : And if he bea true mengerof theLords fending, all he can fay, is,I am but an inffrument, 1 cannot give nor help thee to repentance nor faith , neither can I direli thee to get them; but only by waiting on Jefus Chrift, who alone is the Giver; lam but the forerunner to the Bridegroom ; I have nothing to give, nor I cannot dire& theewhere to get that thou fee- keft before he comes , or before his pleafure is tobeftow it : whoever he be that undertakes tobe any other but a Meflen- ger, as John Baptift was, crying 1 am not he, but ! am the voice of one crying, Prepareye the way of the Lord: Ibaptize with water, but he that commethafter me) is mightier then I;he (hall baptize