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Liberty in Chrit alerted. 273 baptize you with the Holy Ghoff : He cries , there is noTea- cher but Jefus Chrift, no Prophet but he we have nothing i to give ; there is no riches but His. Examine thy felf,how thou ffaieff thy heart ; what quiets thy confcience ? hair thou it frommanor from Ghriff? hall thou found that all thy;xnnings too andagain from this inan,and to the other,hath done thee any good,but thou haft found,that let man fay what he could, yet fill thy trouble con- tinued, and -thou couldit reff in nothing below Chrift? I have known fore, that by running hither and thhher,they have for a timefor a yeere or two, or more,fomwhat allayed the rage of conkience, being dire&ed to outwardconformity, and getting of repentance , and taking up conffancy in this and that, ancL the other duty ; but this cure being not throughlywrought, but as the Prophet 7eremy faith, The prophets have healed the hurt of the daughter of my people fleigbtly; for they having ¡ubmitted to their dire&ions, they Jer,6, havehereupon comforted them,, and told them now all was well, and they were converted, 2nd both concluded that he was theirfiritual father, that had begotten them again:But for all this,the day of the Lord hath afterward come upon them as a thiefe in the night, and they have been robd ofall their i rt.. r .s comfort and confidence, and have lainemany yeers after in mi- fery and bondage, and no man could (peak any peace to them , till jails Chrift himfelfe came ; and then they found him indeed to be TheDeliverer ; And that he alone was annointed topreach good tidings to the meek, to bind up the bro- ken-hearted, toproclaime liberty to the Captives, and the opening &caY"6,. r, of the prifon dores to thofe that are bound , to proclaim the ac- ceptable yeareof the Lord, and to comfort all that mourn; To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, beauty for afhes, joy for mourning,&c. that HE might beglorified. Therefore from hence I would preffe aword or two upon all thofe that think themfelves delivered. It is worthy your confideration that fo your confidencemay not deceiveyou If thou art DELIVERED by the power of Chriff, and that the Lyon ofthe Tribe ofJudah hath ranfommed and redeemed thy Rev. S, j: f ulefrom thepowerof the grave, Then thy teftimony,and thy witna