274 Efdy 63:3 &c. TheSaints perfect freedom, or witneffe willbe this : That nothing in Heaven or Earthcan deliver butfolely the power ofChrift : and this thouwilt and canfi hold forth, not in general words, but reallyandiron ex- perience, that there is no deliverer but Chrift alone : Thou wilt, I fay, bear out thy witnef j"e (if fo be thou art delivered) that itwas not [Ordinances] (as men improperly call them) could do it ; it was not in thepower of the Letter of the word, nor in any thing whatfoever , nor in the power of thy doing,nor thy watcbfulneß,norfirit3nefs could in the leafl help thyfoul to reff, but only the mighty arm and power of Chrift, He bath trod the Winspref fe alone. Hecan in experi- ence giveTefrtimony freely, to that Scripture in Efa. 63. 3. Who is this that commeth fromEdom with died garments from Bozrah, travelling in the greatneffeofhisflrength ? tis I that fpeakin righteoufnef: being mighty to lave : Tis I that have trodden the Winepre le alone, Andof thepeople there was none with me : for the dayofvengeance is in mine heart, and the year of my redeemed is come; thereforemine own arm broughtfalva- tion : And Iwill tread down the people in mine anger, and make them drunkin my fury , and I will tread down ÏHE IR STRENG7H to the Earth. Here Beloved, is a true defcriptionof MANS deliverance ; it can never be till Chrift will do it, and till theyear of his redeemed be come, and he dot h it lone and noma- ffands by him, no man canhelp : And in th-: t day, they ¡hall drinkin his fury, and he will treaddown IHEIR S1 RENGTH: Cis not mans power, nor wit; nor learning, nor endeavours, nor doings, nor fellowfhips,nor Ordinances can help him, orfand by him : But his own right hand bath brought frrlva- tion : Ifit be not by the handandpower of God alone, thou wert never yet delivered; For in that dày all the f rength of man, thewi!'dom of man, the righteoufne/Ì of man, all their Efay 63.6 ftrength mutt be all trodden down ; and in that day he muff ter.25. 15 be c:ntent to dr;nk in the Lords fury, and he matt [land &C' condemned and born=nable in his own fight , and take the cup of this fury at the Lords hand. Oh, fayes thatfaul (whom Chrift hathdelivered) I find He alonewas my Saviour, my I3elivere -; there was nonewith him ; ifbis hand had not laid