Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

Libaty in Chrift afferíed hold on meand favedme, I had gone down to hell, into the Wethermofl pit. Oh&loved, he cannot endure to hear any lift up any thing equal with ferns Chrift, or join any thing with him to help him in this work in the 1 aft: He had rather you fhould billhis dear Father, nay himfelfe, rather then hear any one fpeakagainfl or undervalue thework of Jails Chrift. And this is the witneßhe bears forth:for he teftities what he knows, andwhat his eyes have feet), and what his hands have handled ofthe word oflife. Nay the very work ofChrift it felfbears teflimony, that this was Chrift his own work in them ; for tisfùß;h a work as none other could do: faith our faviour, The works that Idoe bear witne of me ; for if I bad not done fuck works, as no man ever did or could do , why fhould you be- leeve on me ? For tomake duties or thofe things falflycall'd Ordinances his reft or his peace, or his Saviour, this is DE ATH toa true experienced foul : he cannot endure any fhould wear that crown but fefus Chrift alone: he knowes experimentallyj as Peter, when Chrift asked them , Willye al fò gofrom me ? Lord, Whither(hall we go? thou alone haft the words of Eternal life ; They had experience of this in themfelves., that he alone hadpower andwifdom, andfirength; and to turn away from him they turned to death, tofin, to mifery, to weakne(1, to helplejre and dumb Idols, whatever it was but only Himfelf: and the work ofChrift gave teflimony to this work ; they felt the workings thereof ; they had it not by reading or hearing, or obferving this or that rule, nor by Notions, orfancies, oropinion, orperfwafion, or felf-confi- dence, but they in themfelves havehad experience ofthe brea- king oftheir own bonds, and looting off their ownyoaks, and that in'them,HEhath preachedgood tidings to the meel;,and hath bound up the broken-hearted, and proclaimed liberty to the Captives, and hath opened the prifon doors, anddelivered them from death andguilt,and hell;And that the Tabernacle ofGod is with thefemen, and to them there is no more death, neitherfurrow, nor crying, for the former things are paid away: And he that nowfitsupon theThrone faith, in them, Behold I alone make all things new ; Thefe things Write, faith N n 2 the