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Liberty in Chri'Il alerted. 277 No/nothing ofthis Nature ; for Chrift faith plainly, NI) Kingdom is not ofthis world, for then would my Jervants fight ; Thefe arenot thofe things which they are to contend for ; °l'n ig. but for righteoufnefs, for peace, forjoy in the Holy Ghoft, to be 36. delivered,from themfelves, and from the Powers of Darknefs, Rom.i4.7 to be freedfrom the Opprefsour WITH I N: this is the Free- Eph.6 is dem of Saints. Many menkeep agreat deal offfirin preaching, andoffering to the world largeT'reatifes,& promifinggreat matters about external freedom, andof theSaints having the rulingof the world, andof having all things inJùbjeRion to them ; but a- las, alas, theNature oChriffs Kingdom is otherwife ; it lies in being denied to afl things in theworld, to have no exile Nations of great things therein, to efteem it an excellency to becontent to be nothing : Indeed I denynot, but what the Lord in hisprovidence is pleafed toorder,and confer uponNa- tions, or upon this or the other Saint Externally, or give de- liverance fromoutward oppreßours, and in reftraining wick- ed ones, and great men in their wrath and cruelty, they may and ought to receive them thankfully, and to uie them for theGlory of God,and the good ofthen-delves and others ; otherwife they are not well ufed, if they be.not faithful Stewards of them ; and they are to enjoy them mo derately, and with Jèlf-denial, and with weaned affe lions, as feeing them but temporary, and to be parted with they know not how loon ; Therefore whatever men tal, or can fay, or write of filch things , certainly this is not the bufinefs, this is not the deliverance here meant, nor the Freedomeof Saints, but true freedome is inward and f pi- ritual. Again, neither doth it fland in any outward obfervations in meats or drinks, or obferving ofSabbaths or days, or this or that external worfhip, nor in their aRings or workings, but in the power ofChrift. delivering thefoul from death and fpi- ritual wickednefies in high places : The worfhipand fervice of Saints doth not confiff in VA It I FT TÍ, one at`fing this way, another after another manner ; but the true Service of Eph 6:12 Saints is oneand the fame ; Onefaith and one Baptifin; And alll