278 TheSaints perfect freedom,or Ibid.4. 4, 5 t Cor.io. 3,4 C11.12. V. .i2". 2Cor.6.i4 Rcv.2i .27 All eat ofone bread, and all drinkof the fame cup,and all drink of thefamefpiritual rock; outward eating, and drinking, and praying,fand falling is not the worfhipofChrïft :bur. ifChrift be thy Deliverer, if he hath fet thee free by his own hand, thou beareil out thy witnefs, and wilt not endure tohear of any thing fet up equal with Chrif{ ; for whoever doth fo, dothbut leek to reconcile andmake a communion between Chrift and Belial ; and to make a fellowfhip between the Temple of God and the Temple ofIdols : Ifmen talk of Free- dom, (althoughwith much confidence) ifthe power of fin be full in them, pride, andglorying in themfelves, and love of the world, and malice, and envy andl the like , in vain doe men talk of deliverance, for all their forms and outward HolinefTe : There cannot enter into the Kingdom of God any thing that dcfileth ; the fearful, or the unbeleeving , ar mur- therers, or Sorcerers, or Idolaters, or Lyars (hallhave no part there. For be fure of this, nothing goes into the Kingdom ofChrift, but that which comes outfromChrift; only that wich is of a heavenly and fpiritual nature ; Nothing of man is to enter therein : all in and ofhim, is under condemnation: onely the work of Chrift (hall land and remaine : all things elfe mutt be trodden down, and annihilated and de- flroyed. Farther know then that the liberty ofa Chrif?ian is in his own breaft within : if it were outward, men might hinder it, or take it away : but this liberty cannot be folen from them, but they enjoy it in defpight of all the powers of the world ; tis not fubje& to decayes and changes as outward liberty is ; whichoutward liberty men not knowing, nor ha- ving no experienceof this fpiritual & inward libertywrought by Jefus Chrift which is confiant and durable, this makes them keep a great deal a doo about external freedom,where- as ifthey knew it,they would know thin were far beyondall that which is but external, outward, and carnal. And tis call'd carnal and flefhly, becaufe it is fo fubje& to alteration and change,it never continues in oneflate:andknow thatmen may be ofverygreat abilities for external wifdom, or lear- ning; they may be Able Statef -men, Great Scholars, Matters in