Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

r...._.. 2 O The Saints perfeft freedom, or 'Exod.2o. 4= 5. captived to the humours and inventions of men , to their forms, and their rules? and how ready are they to obey and Idolize what men have found out for toworjhip by ? wherein they commit .fiat idolatry , for the fécond Commandment requires, Thouflalt not mare to thy fèlfe any graven Image, &c, ihou fl)alt not bow down to them, nor ïìorfhip them,: &c. where- in lies a Great Myfterie,more then is in the litteral and exter- nal! command ; for whatever _i.t be that thou dependeft on, or waiteft on for comfort from , or hopef upon for any ref}, peace, or f rtirfa¿ïion , to that very thingThou borreft down, and makt.fl it a graven Image ; when thou fo far Ju.bjec1eff thy felfe to the will of man to let him rule and ride thee , to follow his rules and dite6ions to get peace thercby , there then thou afhuredly makefl thy God , and they are Images and Idols to thee: Nay further, when men have fo far enfla- ved thee as to caufe thee to fubmit to everypoor and empty thing; as when they place Religion in meats and drinks, in touch not, tafle not, handle not, as the Apoftle faith , which are but thingswhich perijh with the ufing; and yet they will enflave their confciences to Inch men, and Inch things. And further, The world hash made a deal ofdoe about Chills comm;ng in the fiefb, and about his life and death, andfìJîerings, when as indeed they (as they have ufed the matter)-have even made it a juft nothing, a nicer Image, and an Doi, and have by their inventionsmade theCroffeofCh,1ft in themfelves of no effect : Some laying his death is merito- rious and Jatisfaaory for fins paft , but not for fins to come ; And that fome fins Are pardoned, not all ; And that man hath power, and he mull work out his falvation ; quite miflaking the intent, the drift, the life, marrow, and nzyJlerie of die Scriptures, but content themfelves with the bare letter, which every man may by his own wifdom .compre- hend and finde out. And others laying that fin is never pardoned till therebe a&uall repentance ; And that there is a power in man (ifhe ufe his utmoft endeavour) that he may work out and accomplifh his own falvation: And that man mull be a CO-IYOEKER with Chrift ; and he mull per- form his part by way of fulfilling the condition required; elle Chrift Cot.2.2c, &c.