Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

Liberty in Cbrifi alerted. 28I Chrift will not perform his : and many fuch ignorant, titre.. ral andunexperiencedTenents are held forthby them. And what is Chrift made in all this, but a meer nothing, a very Idol? and making the F U LL and p ERFEC 7 righteoufnefe of Jefus Chrift, a poor, fcanty, mean, narrow thing ; and to lay in effeli Chrift takes away fin but in part, but man muff doJomething, and he (hall take away the reff. And that mans acting is the caufè of taking away fin; When as HE bath trodden the I4'inepreßalone,andNOMAN flood by him , and he onelyfpea4s in righteoufne(1, and is alone mighty toJave, andhe deipifeth and treadeth down all their S T 11 ENG2H, and all the power of man to the earth; What is all this but to fay, he (hall not do it alone ? man fhall/tand by kim,and hemuff help him ; But wemull know this deliverer is asfull and as large as the Jon ofGod himfelf, and the Delivererance as deep and as high as the mifery of man ; theDefeiiion ofman is not fo deep, but theDeJcention ofChrift is as deep:nor mans fins reaches not fohigh, but his AJ.cention is as high;But thefe men cut Jhort both the VA S T- N E SS E oftheDeliverer, atad the LAR GENES SE of the Deliverance. Tis certain, mans mifery and fall is fo deep and fo great, ¿hat nothing but infiniteneffe could recover and fetchhim up againe; he is fallen into an INF INITENESS of No- thingneJre ; from whenceall the creatures , Angels , or Men couldnot redeem one foul, but it muff be the infinite wort of the Creator: man by fin hath thrown himfelf into a condition then any other creature, and below the whole Creation:and he that fees it not thus really,never yet knew what it was to be delivered : and he that thinks that leffe then infinitenefs will redeem him, He undervalues and cir- cumJcribes theDeath and life of the Son ofGod,and counts it apoor thing, and was never yet Paved by them : he never yet knew theheighth, and thedepth, the lenghth, and the breadth of the loveof Chrift, which is unfpeakable and pafsethk_now- ledge : he neveryet Pawhimfelf in the loweft Hell,nor ever Paw Jetus ChriftJtooping anddefcending down into the very bot- tom ofthe bottomlejs pit, to bringhim up again : He that is O o de- Phil.4. 7. Eph.3. i 8. 19. Pfal 68.13 & 88, 6.