The Saints perfell freedom, or delivered by Chrift, cannot but admire and cry out, oh ! the heighth, and the depth, the length and the breadthof the love ofChrift Andagain,Rom. i I.333,&c. Oh the depth ofthe riches both of the wifdom andknowledge of God ! howunfearchable are his judgments and his r ayes pall finding out ? For who bath known the mind of the Lord ? or who bathLen his Counfellour ?' Or whobath f irfi given to him, and it (hall be recompenfed unto bim again. For ofhim, and through him, and- to him are all things : to whom be glory for ever. Amen. Seeing him to be fo high andfo rich,andfofull, and fo perfeil that He is fofull of glory andMajeJly, and yet to loop fo low, todebafe and robehimfelfe, tomakehimfelffopoor, fo low,fomuch nothing to redeemand recover MEE ! Oh how great is this Freedom which is wrought by him alone, without any feelZzng, or de- fire of mine I nay till hedefcended to finde me out, I never knewmy own r4ifery ; nay when he did appear and conde- fcendledfo low todeliver me, I was not willing to be delivered, but oppofed him, and fought againft him, and bated him, and ufed all the devices and Jhifts I could invent to avoid this de- liverance, and to remain frill in bondage, and faded with the Devil as myfriend, and lookt upon him as an Enemy, and a" Devil, and a Tormentor. Herein was love indeed,that HE fhould thus far overcome himfelfe tobecome nothing, and lefíe then nothing for n whoam really fo:and that hewho is fo infinitly rich,ful and blefíed inhimfelffhould Phew fo much love, patience, long- fifferings,andbear fo many affronts and indignities from fuch a miferable forlorn creature as man is , and would never leave me till he had perfwaded and overcome me. Oh ! herein was love indeed, tranfcendent love, incom- parable love. My Friends, you that much of Jefus Chrift, and are very zealous for him' outwardly (as one would think) none more AndAll you that keep fuch a flir about your Forms, andFdllowfhips, and Orders, and Warnings, &c. ex- cept you have found Jefus Chrift thus acting rnyou, in vaine do you pretend to him, for you doe but draw nigh himwith our lips, but your hearts are removedfar from him. This