Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

Liberty in Chrift afferted. This is theword of the Lord concerning you., Efa. x. to. &c. Hear ye the word ofthe Lordye Rulers of Sodom, and give ear to theLaw ofour Godye people of Sodom and Gomorrah ? He fpeakes to Judah and Jerufalem in the 6rí1 verf.But becaufe theytwere no other to him,but were as pro- phane as Sodom and Gomorrah , for all their Sacrifices, Sab- baths, Prayers, Neu, Moons : &c. Efa. i. 11,12, 13,14,15. To what purpofe is the multitude ofyour Sacrifices unto me, faith the Lord? Iam full ofthe burnt- offerings of Rams, and the fat .e, ffed beafls,andIdelight not in the blood ofBullocks, or of Rams, or ofhe- Goats. Whenye come to appear before me, who bath required this atyour hand, to treadmycourts ? Bring no more vain Oblations ; Incenfe is an abomination unto me : theNew Moons andSabbaths, the calling of aflemblzes I Cannot away with : it is iniquity, even the folemnmeeting. TourNewMoons, andyour appointed feafts myfoul hateth, they area trouble unto me, I amweary to bear them. And whenye fpread forth your hands, Iwillhide mine eyesfromyou : yea, whenye maremany prayers, Iwill not hear : your hands arefull ofBlood, &c. Nay, and I dare bebold to fay, ifJefus Chrift fhouldbut come toyou, to convince you ofyour bondage and"delive- rance, you would hate him, fpit at him , crucifie him with as much Malignity as ever the Jews did : For, in truth, the whole world in all their Religionand Forms love not Jefus Chrifl, nor aym at him, nor worshiphim, but love and feek themfelves : and certainly this is THATLIGHT which (hall break forth in thefe latter days of the world, to flrip, unmask, and difcover all theReligion OF MAN. In this Sermonwas that Tcílimony given to Dr. Eve- rards Sermons, which is placedat the endof this Book.