Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

286 Rcfponjáen toforrepretendedArguments Chapter; for he faith it is an anfrer to fome Obje- C`lions in my book Againfl Learning; now in my ;book there is The clear definition. ofLearning and the divifïon , alfoa plain poftion laid down, and five arguments to make good the feveral branches thereof; andafterwards two Objections anfwered and lure this isfomething more (ifthe manunder- fiandhis own - terms) then force objections barely and nomore ; yet the man is fo wife, that he dare not meddle with the Pojitian, nor any one of the fingle Arguments, but onlyfnatcheth at one of my cueries, and fixeth on a hint in my fir(l folution. A bold Adverfary that bites behinde, but dares not grapple face to face. Secondly, there is nothing at all in my Bookfpo ken or argued againfl Learning under a general termor acceptation, but with limitation; and yet this man makes hisArguments againfl me,as though I had oppofed learningfimpliciter,when all that I fay is butfecundum quid ; But doubtlefie the man will, prove Agreat Logician,he begin's fo learnedly. Thirdly, there is nothing in my Book fpoken a- gainfi Humane learning neither in any general way, but under'aprecife refpe&, and puncîual re- fit-010n, as it cannot perfe& expropríe n atará, un- derfrand, nor apprehend the Myflery of the Gofpel, nor any wayofits own nature beadvantagious unto it ; and this it hoideth out, not anabflrarl noti- on, but in a concrete Confderation : yet the man (as Lucian faithof fortune and folly) like a mad blindperfon, laies about him, not caring nor feeing where hefaites or wounds, and anfwers as though I had