.- st Again . WebilersBookcall'd, TheSaints Guide. I had argued againfi Learning in general; which howfalfe, is evidently manifefi; thus the manhath made a Giant offiraw, and will now Combat with him whenhe hathdone; doubtlefie here will be good game 5 ecce , Don ixot and his Wind- Mils. The man feemsagreatZealot for that which he ima- ginarilyaccounts Learning,and I couldwifhhe were afitChampion; but alas ! impar consrefloAchilli: for when I had pondered the levity and incompofure of his Argument, I could not but conclude as lear- nedHelmont did of KO.GOLPHLIS GOC LE- N I LI S , ingenui fcienti4e tam debilem Patronum obtigiffe But alas ! he muff needs appear a MO- DE,R,AT EStatef-man,who hath hardlyyet lear- nedgood manners 3 it hadbeen a far better advifo forhim to havefi ayedat Jerichountil his beard had been grown, andkept his papers by him, until Ho- race his advice had taught him fome better experi- ence, decimumprematur in annum ; but a full vef- fel muff needs vent ; let us therefore hear his re- fpcn f on. He begins theChapter with the words ofa name- leffe Author, who faith : Nor is any Nation with- out Tome turbulent fpirits ofits own ; the difhonour ofthe Gown andPulpit, thefhare, and fometimes' ruine oftheir Country; and amongft them ranks me as one. Where we may note , that though the man be readyandre) groundlefly to call others thedifciples ofSatan; yet it is manifeft he is one him- felf; for Satan is an accufer ofthe brethren, and fo is he, in thefeforecited words ; he is alto a father of Untruths 287 De Magn, vulner. Curat. lib. R. 12.10.