Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

288 4Refjonfaon toforre pretended Argun . Untruths ; Neither He, norany in the Nation can juítly make it forth that I air any wayguiltyofturbu- lency of fpirit, either toflame or ruinmy country; and for Satan, Hewas a lyarfrom the beginning, and Joh $44: abode not in the truth : But I can witneffe the truth of his Author in himfelfe ; for if he had not been of a turbulent fpirit , he would never have began, norproceeded foboyfterou{ly nor uncivilly ; And if He benot thefìameof the Gowne, or Pulpit, I am lure he is of the Frefe that may well Ugh with tholemalicious falfities that hebath publifedagainfr me who never thought, nor did hiïn injury. Doth his learning orChrJtianity teach him thele things? The lips of truthfhal1be ofablifhedfor ever : but a ly- ing tongue is butfor a moment. And fo hee repeats my third Qæry. And. His'firfl entrance is í}i11 likehimfelfe,full of poyfcnand evil words : He faith, it is a juiery Sa- tan himfelfrnight binflh to put. Surely the man was AR1IIIGER toGoliath, or Kabfakeh,fromwhom hee learned to rayle; for I must tell him , That fome perlons have put thefame Qurewithout blufhing, who were of more learning andpiety then an hun- dred fuch as G. W. though they were all Ffquires. But it may be the manhath fpoken truth, & knew not ; for I verily beleeve , Satanwouldblufh to put any Qúa`ry that might unmask his deceits, or dif:- cover truth , and fo would not willingly have this quaftionbrought to the of , left the foundation of hisKingdombe thereby 'when ; Neither loth this O a re any way difagree with the title of/he saints Thef.5. Guide;for it is they whoare advifed to try all things, îr, and