Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

AgainßMr. Webflers Book calla, The SaintsGuid,1 289 and to hold fafi that which is good : and that the wolfecloaths himfelfe in the lambs akin, is witnef- fed in himfelfè, whole wolfif natureappears in his malicious, devouring language, thoughhe woulda- dorne it with thefpecious pretext ofbeing a Chrifti- an. And then heproceeds frill in that workwhich his Mailer the Prince of darkneffe bath let him up- on, to accufe unjuflyandfalfely ; for he faith, that I reproach Learning; which is abfolutely untrue; I doe onely but rank and place it where it ought to fland ; neither doe I blafphemoufly (likehimfelfe) affume or attribute any divinity to myfelfe or words. Can any thing be truly andproperly calledDIVI- NITY but_the Natureand Being ofGod onely ? Sure- lyhis Learningmight have taught him more fit lan- guage. But he proceeds and faith ,' That except the OldSerpent,and my felfe, (whom he, Serpent-like, calls his Difciple) he never found any affirming that man wanted any thing in his innocency, pag. I mi. Wheredidhe finde (except in his own Ser- pentine-heart) that the oldserpent didever affirme that man wantednot any thing in his innocency ? For if he had affirmed this, he had affirmed that truth which hehates. Did the man never finde, that the Spirit of God in the scriptures doth af- firme that Man wanted the knowledge ofevil; that hewanted fin, corruption, mitery, and death, which all entred by thefall, and after it ? Had man before the fall an ignorant, blind, and darkened foule, or a beftiall nature, fubje& to difeafes, and death; or came not all thefe by, and after the fall ? and fo he P p wanted