Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

minneemainemm 29o Refponon tofome pretendedArguments wanted thembefore ? Who is the Serpents difciple, I , or the Armiger let all knowing men judge ? Thus the man argues againft he neither knowes what, nor whom , withmuch railing, but no rea- fon. But now he faith he comes to thequeftion ; That reafon was depravedand darkenedby theFall ; and that by the helpof learning it is infume meafure re- flored ; and this he allowes, and affirmes. Was this the queftion propounded by me, let any man read, and judge ? Thegreat Logician withall his skill, commits that Fallacie which every minor So- phifler would be afhamedof, which is Petitioprin- cipü,the beggingofthequeftion For in theRuee- ry it is notfatppofednor granted, that man before the fall had reafon or humane learning, but is part of thequeftion it felfe : Andhe himfelfpage r i o< urges it as myaffirmation,that man warted it in his inno- cency and yet now hath forgotten and loft the ,(late of the queftion. Therefore I muff put him in mind of it againe , and tell him , that theque- flion was not whether reafei were depravedby the fall, or in fome meafure reftored by learning bit, . whether before thefallhehad reafonor humane leàr- ning or not ; and fo all that hefpatters forth about falling into a pit andgettingout, and the ref.} , to the middleofthe i i 2. page, is but thefoameof his raving fancy, and to no purpofe in refpe&of my Quæry, but is altogether extra limitesqueftioms. Then heproceeds, and faith, Thefellowfeems to be a scholler; I (hall therefore askhim one queíii- on. I would know of this Armiger how many fuch