Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

Againfl Mr. Webfters Bookcall'd, The Saints Guid. fuchfellows as my Pelf his worJl}ip maintains towait uponhim ? It may be he looks not upon meas his fellow; but however he -might take me to behis brother Animal : But I (hall meeklyand patiently paffè by theTitle, knowing that our Lord andMa- fter Jefüs Chrift was fo called by the great Rab- bies of the jewes ; and onelywifh, that God would be plesfed to bring him to thefellorrfhip ofhis saints in truth and fincerity. If I feem to be a Schaller (which I confefle is in a very little meafure) I with I could fee it appeare fo in him ; for I had rather combat withfelidityof Learning, then withpaffon and uncivil/language. But let us heare his learned queftion , which is this ; Is not Reafon thefpecifical difference ofman from abeaf ? and was man diftinguifhed from a beaft by theFall, or the Creation? Did the Devil,or Godmake him a rational creature ? I thought hee would have askedbut one; but here's a multiplica- tion into three ; well, Pure theman will not turne his rerponflons into queflions; hecannot but know, that queftioquefionem non folvit: and betides, he makes but a quefion of that which is doubtedof in my Qæry, and foasAes but what he fhouldanfiver. But I (hall returne him the fame againe. How doth he prove that reafon is the fpecfi'cal diffe- rence ofman froma beatl ? Is it fo becaufeAriflotle laid fo ? where is theproofand demonflratiün ofit ? I returne a plain negative, That reafon is not the fpecifecal differenceofman froma beafl; and if he affirme it; let himprove it; a rmanti incumbit prc- i batio. To 291 Joh,9.29.