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Againíl.Mr. Webfi:ers Boo(call'd, TheSaints Guide 293 In the next placeheproceeds tomy firff Pdtenthe- s ; but Gill without any arguments to difprove, but onely askingof queflions,faying, Ifre'fondoth not diflinguifh frombeafls, what doth ? Shape can- not, for fo onebeafl differs from another : Neither is it grace,,for then all but beafls muff have grace. Excellently argued ! brave Logiclt! who can refill fuch nnanfwerablearguments? Can nothingbut rea- fon diflinguifhman from beafls ? What, becaufe the Heathens could findeout nothing el fe, muff we befo heathenifh to beleeve that nothing elfe can doe it ? I l..ave told him before, and now reiterate it, that the Image of God doth effentialy difiinguith man from bea,fls 5 And canhe finde nothing but ei- tler fhape or grace todiftinguifh then ? Knows he not that every-divifion is vitious that containes lefie or more in the part then were in the whole ; lefs or more in thefeveral fpecies thenwas in thegenus; and therefore is thisarguing perfe&, when the di- vifion it Idle is imperfeet ? What doth he meane byfhape? external figure, or internal forme ? If ex- ternalfigure, doth not mans Pape diflinguith. him from abird, afifh, and a horfe ? filrely there isfome diflin'1ion in it.. If internal forme, doth not that dif}inguithman from beafl ? how then can ratio'.á- lity 1?e forma hominis,. pr the cony,' Naive andfpecifi- call difference? Tomy next, he asks another queflion, whether barn%ng bath not exaltedand readiedmy reafon fo fats from fuch and fuchpremifs to draw ruch and fuck a conclufion, c. I aske him, whether thofe which he calls and accountsilliterat-,.donot know and