Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

294 ARefponfon tofosase pretendedArguments and el`ercïfe as much as all this without humane Learning ? but what is this to the queffion ? We are not dJiîtingwhether Learning exalts and redi fies reafbn or no ? but whether they both be not of thefruit oftheforbidden Tree, and whether man -wanted thetn in his innocency or not ? unto which he anfwers not one word, but goes on in pittiful rai- ling accufations with the Titles of ignorant and illi- terate, againff forne hundreds ofperfons, everyone ofwhich doth far precede him both infpiritualand Mat. I2, humane Learning ; but an evil man out of the evil treyfirres ofhis heart bringeth forth evilthirtgs ; and men gather not grapes of thorns, nor figs of thles. For his termingof themand me Lt-retches,Caytifsand the like; I confeffe I am heartily lorry for the igno- rance, infolence, and impudence of the young man who (God knows) is infenfible of his own moll mi- i ferableand wretched condition, and 'mows not what fpirithe is of ; The Lord in mercyopenhis eyes, and givehim to fee his own blind and loft condition, which yet is hidfrom his eyes. 11 For my making ufe of humane Learning I, deteff to let it in the place of that Wifedome that is from above, but do look upon it in its heft condition, as nefcience and ignorance in compît -ifon of the other; and if I ufe it againftfuch adverfaries, it is but only as Paul, to glory inmine infirmities, and to manifeil that theyhave caufe to glory in theflfl), fo have I, though I know thatglory to be vain. For even thofe that objeit my havingor ufing any Atuld as much triumph; and fcandalize me for the wanting ofit ; that thereby they might bring anodium ups _on 35. 2 Cor. 12.