Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

4gainfi Mr. Webfters Book,calTd,The Saints Guide. 295 on that truth which God inmercy hath made me an inf rument topublith 7 but I with that they may delire that the thoughts oftheir hearts may be forgi- ven them ; And fo I leave him in the puddle of his ownmireand clay, until almoft the end ofthe 116. page. Thenext thing Iobferve is this; (he faith) IfI be not a very 7 E S V I E, yet I am the likeft one that ever he met with, if' the tree may be judged by thefruits, and that my acs will aloud proclaimme a notorious `7ugler : well as he may be a moderne statesman, fo I am confident he is tooyoung a P0- L I TIC IAN to diicerne or know a T E S U- I T E if he didm3et him; but I would havehim to tell us how many he bath met withall in his time that he is become foquick- lighted to difcerne them fo eafily. I believe he dare hardly nominate where or when he bathmet and known one; it may be he hathmet with me ; but if he did, though he writes himfelf E S QLI IRE, I am fure I could not defcry him by his Coat of Arms, nor his Attendants, except by a shop -keeper, who teemed his Companion; I doubt he fcarcely difcerns the cun- ning juglings ofRomith J E S U I T ES; And I am lureheunder[fands not Satans jugling in his own brefr, who bath bewitched him, that he dothnot o- bey the truth, but oppofe it. Poor Creature, he can -fee anddifcern others to be evil andwretched with- out him, but knows not the familiar fpirit in his ownbofome, that deludes and deceives him. I-le faith, this habit offin is deflrayed, but tells not inwhom, where, howfar, nor inwhat refpeti it is de- ftroyed; Ads 8.22,