A Refonfon toforre pretended Arguments firoyed ; no alas all that rnuft be under flood by the headers ; for he underftands none of them at all : it had been his part to have (hewed how farrefnne as it is inherent in us by nature, and habitual by exercife, and cufome, is defbioyed, or annihilated ; cloth there no reliefs nor remnants ofit rernaine in a beleever ? what was that Law that Paul foundin his members rebelling againft the Law o f:his mind, and bringing him into captivity to the Lawofin ? was all fin, both Original and Habitual, defiroyed and killed in him ? If wefay we have no f n,we deceive ourfelves, and the truth is not inus. And whereas he faith,theHabit of Learning is not in the left drminflied, much lefle defiroyed. I anfwer,that it is defiroyed in the fame manner, and in refped that fin is, to wit, that itfhould not reign inour mortal bodies, that wefhouldobey it in the lulls thereof; fo is Learning deffroyed that it fhould not reign in the fandified foul, nor takeplace ofthe divine teachings of-the fpirit of truth, but be kept under and fo be defiroyed. And I am fure the Apoffle Saint Paid hadmore learning then this Armiger;and yet in him it was fo kept down and defiroyed, that he came not (unto tie Corinthians) in the wifdomof mens words, left theCrol, e of Chrif1 fhould be made of none effeU. And is not mans wifdome or learning defiroyedac- ,cording to the meaning of the Holy Ghoft when it is madefooliflhnef%? If any manfeem to be wife, let him become afool that he may be madevifè : and thus 4-the man had been blind indeed, hehadhad nof,:, but he faithhefees, and therefore hisfin remains. secondly, he urges that thewhole man with his