Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

Againfi Mr. Webfers Pook call'd, The SaintsGuid.1 297 his endowments is fandified as i 7hef, 5. 23, 24. I I Thee 5. &c. And then concludes that either Learning 23) &C. tnuf be f nfiifi'ed, or fomething remains unfarfái- fzed. Á wondrous learnedConclufion, and fureit is with him a great abfurdity to fay, that fomething remains urfanefified 5 doth notfomefn reinain,and can fin ever be faid to befanftifled ? Therefore I plainly affirm, thatfomething remaines unfcneiified ; and becaufe it is a myfiery to the man, I {hall a lit- tleopen it. There is mention made in thefcripture ofa double or two-foldman ; firf}, the new man which after .God is created in righteoufneffe and true holinefe ; ánd this is de immortal feed of thefecond Ac/am, thztfins not, but isfarlified throughout. -Se- condly, there is theoldman, or the body of fn from Eph.4.22. thef'rjt Adam, which is corrupt according to the de- 24. ceivable luflf; and this is to be put off and deflroyed, is neverfanaifed, but muff be burnt up with un- quenchablefire; and humane learning is thewifedom ofthisold man which is earthly, fenfual, and devilífi, and muft beput offand deflroyed. And the Scrip- ture he alledgeth doth not fay that the work offan- ffification is done, but in doing ; faithful is he that calleth you, who alfo will do it. Thirdly, he faith, that acquired Learning of it felfe and of its ownnature is notfin, and thinks he proves it by faying fn is a tranfgrefion of the Law 7 and then fuppofeth noLaw forbiddeth lear- ning, and asks where it is written Thou fhaltnot be learned, &c. I anfwer, that fill he is betides the li- mitsofthe ksieftion ; for we arenot difputingwhe- ther aman may be learnedor not learned, but whe- Qq then