Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

293 A Jefponfion toforcepretendedArguments ther acquired learning, in a Theological refpe& , as it is ignorant ofthemyflery ofthe tell him, that fin it not ; and in this refpeä I muff o a tranfgrefJonofthe Law ofGod, and declared tobe finful; and though it be not written, Thou_halt not be Learned , yet it is written, that thewifdom ofthe fief is emnity againfl God, and is notfubject to the Law ofGod-,neither indeedcan be ; and it is undeniably true, that whatfoever is emnity againft the law of God, and is not, nor can be fubjeer unto it, is a tranfgreon of it. Fromwhence the Argument lies thus. All thewifdom ofthe*Ibis enmity againft God. But all acquired learning is the wifedore of the flefh. Ergo, All acquired learning is enmity againfl God. TheMajor is the clear words of the Text, Rom-. Rom. 8'7° 8.7. IftheMinor be denyed, it is proved. thus. Thegreaten knowledge that man by acguifition can attain unto, muff needs be the wifdomof the But humane learning is thegreaten knowledge that man by acqufition can attain unto. Therefore humane learningmufir needsbe thewif- domofthe flefh ; nay dothnot theText tell usplain - den. 6.5° ly, that allthe imaginations ofmans heart areevil,and that continually ; and is net all humane learning the joh.3.6i imaginations ofmans heart ? and therefore evil con- tinually? And is not that which is born of the flefb, flefh? and flefb andbloodfhall not inherit the Kingdom ofGod: for to be carnally minded is death ; and is not