4gainfMr. Webífers Bookca1?d, The Saints Guid. not all humane learningborn of theprodufl of flefh, and fo liffteth againfi thefpirit, and is thereforefinfsl and accurfed? Farther he faith, And fure were learning either in itfelffin, or lef e unfani ified in afans ifiedheart, we íhould not finde the Apofile Paul giving thanks for it in i Cor. 14. 18. I thank God Ifpeak with tongues more then Jolt all, &o. What confequence is Ia.. there in this ? may we not give thanks for things that are finful ? many things are good as they come from God ,but madefinfulin us and by us5andmay we not give thanks unto God for them, feeing he gave them to AU as theyweregood, not as they were figsful?©ur afections, defires,and (efes areall good,as they are given tous of God;but we exercifing them infin & lufts,may wenot giveGod thanksfor them, becaufe it is ourfaults that have made them finful. if'Learning wereplac't where it ought, and mov'd not above its own fphere, it were one ofthegreateft bleffings that man enjoyes in thisfraile life, and is onely condemnable ina relative fenfe, as it will inter- meddle with the things ofGod, and yet when it is fet in its due place,as it was in theApofllePaul,who didnot preach in theenticingwords ofmans wifdome, I COs. 2.4 but only ufed in its due place, to fpeak to divers people in thofe tongues that they underf}ood : this was not to ufe it tounderfrand themyflery by,norof it felf to be advantageous to the Gofpel, and fo comes not within the Verge of the QuefFion : And befides,theknowledgoftongues was inPaul asafpe- cial gift as in the reiF, for he was not behind the ref of the Apofles 5 not as it was an acquifition 3 and j (q 2 there-i 299