Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

Soo i AK.efpan fon toforrepretended Arguments therefore he might lawfully Praife God for it; and fo this is altogether improper,and impertinent to this Argument or je,flion. Andfor what he urgethofApollos,it is as improper; for hedid it not by theforce and efficacy ofhcsmane 18.25 Learning, but through the power of the fpirit o 8. God; for the Text faith he ways inffrlded in theway ofthe Lord; and that was A teaching above humane Learning, and it was in the f rengthof Divine Wif- dome and not humane, that he mightily convinced them : and it was out of thefrorehoufe ofthe Scrip- turesopened unto him by the Holy Ghofi, that he fpake, and not from the muddy puddle ofmans bro jeer. 2.13 kenCifterns that can hold no water; but as Stephen l ¡'6' I °' whofpoke with fuch a fpirit, that the adverfaries were not able to refill, fo it was in Paul and the ref}, not in the words of mans wisdom , but in the demon- JIrationofthefpirit andpower. Heproceeds in his fcurrilous language with fool andknave,it maybe fuch are his companions as moil fitting for him : and in the I 25. pag. he faith, Ikeep a coile about nothing;for the'very Objecto» as 'lave put it, afferts the good to flowfrom the fmn&ification of Learning, fo that t make it an Handmaid. Let any one read the objection and my solution, and they (hall eafilyperceive howhe either miftakes, or wilfullyfal fïfies my words; for I fay this, that if bybeing fancfifíed, they mean,that the providential wfdomofGoddoth order it, or makeof ofit for the goodofhis people, I appofe it not, fo that it be un- derflood' that that good flowes not from the na- ture ofacquiredLearning it felf, but from the fe