302 alli.--_.. ARefponfron tofamepretendedArguments And that men by reafon and humane learningmay get a litteral knówledgof theScriptures,and preach that unto others, is witneflèdby himfelf& others of the like principle who have but a carnal and litteral Mtt,i, 13. knowledge of the things of Chrifl, and yet dare takeupon them to infirm and teachothers and fo the blind lead the blind, and they fall both into the ditch : and fo many thoufands preach that which will neitherfave themfelvesnor thofe that hear them; I Per.3.16 and fo theScripture isfulfilled in them who being Jude 19. andfcipledor untaught ofGod, wry/ both the wri- tings ofPaul and other Scriptures to theirown defru- elion ; Thefebe they whofeparate thensfelveffenfu4 having not thefpirit. But I muff tell him, that he abjolutely wreffsand Cora y. falfifieth that Scripture in i Cor. 9. 27. For know- 27. eth hewhat body theApolille meaneth? and in what fenfedoth heunderfiand that Paul may be a Call-a- rray ? For, ifhe means that Paul might be Eternally Cafl away, or a Reprobate, if hepreached toothers, andkept not his own body infubjeFien, then I utter- ' ly deny it asfalfeand unfound; for he was AChofen Vefcl, and was perfwadedby the truth of the fpirit ofGod, that neither Eeath,nor Life, nor Angels, nor Rotn.s.3s Principalities, nor Powers,nor things prefent, nor things 39. to come, nor Height, nor Depth, norany other creature flaould be able tofeparate theSaints (of which he was one)from the love of.Godwhich is inChrili 7efus their Lord. For the Word aid`ów1120- willnot bear A caf/- away, but one difapprovedor difallowed of now i theYoungmanwouldbut have looked a Iittle fàr- Aer, he might have found the Apolille expounding him-