Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

Againf Mr. Webffers Bookcal Saints Guide. himfelf, not that he might be díflllowedofGod E- ternally, but difapprovedofmen , and therefore he faith, But I truflyeThai know that we are not repro- bates. Now Ipray to God thatyedo no evil, not that wefouldappear áóx',iu' approved, but thatyefhoulddo that which ishonefl, though we be as cîd'6xtia.o' Repro- bates. So that I make him not (peak an impo(bili- ty, but I am fure he makes the Text fpeak an un- truth, inholding that Pau/ might be Eternally Re-; probate, or difallowedofGod. And I with him to examine his own breafl, and he will finde the 7udas there, andhimfelfe to have but a form ofgodline/fe, havingdenyedthe power thereof, and that he hatli but taken that word into his mouth in a carnal and flet ly comprehenfion, which the holy fl irit never planted, nor taught there, and therefore nut be rooted out, becaufenot planted by the Heavenly Fa- ther. Heconcludes,faying, it is cleare therefore, that learningand partsperfe ex propri) natur) canunder- fland, and fo apprehend the myflery oftheGofpel, as to hold it outfo to others, that the hearers cannot; difcern by the teachinç an Hypocrite from a true Beleever, not withf anding all his pofi'tions. It feems thepoor man thinks the myfieryand the hitoryall one, and makesa conehi//en fromno Iran can tell what premifes he path laboured to prove (which was not denied him ) that learning may bringone to know and randerfand the Letter and the Hillary; and nowhe would make aflnur0as though he proved that humane learning could per J ex pro- priì naturi underftand the ntyjlery it felfe, the con- trary 3®3` 2 Cor.i3. 6. 7, n Lilt3.5 Mat.15.13,