04 t. s4. 24 A Refi onfion to f öme, pretended Rrgunlent:r rary to which he .bath confeffed in his i 6. chap. ,pag. 13 t .that manywnder the light ofthe Gofpel fur nifhed with the helps of human learningare ftrang l y unacquainted with the knowledge ofChrift cruci- fied; and yet now hathforgot it,and vaunts that, to be clear which neither henor any elfe can perceive vi_ ble, and fo equivocally fhuilles in thefe words ; So apprehend the myfiery, & fohold it out to others,which he darenot exprefe, nor thew wherein or in what precife rcfpec`t : and fo holds forth an abflute un- truth, that thehearers cannot difcerne by the tea- ching an Hypocrite from a true Beleever. If bee meanoffuchhearers as himfelf, I fuppofe it to be true., that they cannot tritely knew the voice of Chrif}; but if he mean that no hearers can, I deny it, and fo loth the record of truth ; for though there come manyfa!eChrifts, and falfe Prophets that may delude many, yet it is impoi able, and they cannot deceive the Elea : And thefpirit,uil manjudg- eth all things, yet he himfe f is judged ofnone; And thofe that are the true flteepof Chrifffollow him, and know his voice, but they neitherfollow nor know the voice offlrargers. Heproceeds ffill in the fame order, flying, that unlef e I prove that a man by the help of learning cannot attain tofucha knowledge as to be able to make an outwardprofeffion , that Iprove nothing The Apoftle did not prove that men by humane learning could not attain to fuch a knowledge as to beable to makeanoutward profefiîon; but granted that by it they might ; Having a form ofgodlinefe but having denyed the power thereof, creeping into ,houfes i Gor. 2 .a.5: Joh. 10.4, j5. 2 Tima 3.. 5.