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Againft Mr. Webfiers Boak,calld,The Saints Guide. 305 houfes, ,leading away captivefillywomen ladenwith in 2Tim3. firmities, and yet didhe prove nothing, when he faid, Thenatural man receiveth not the things ofthe) fpirit ofGod,for theyare fooliJbnef è unto him : nei -' Cor.2.14 they canhe know them, becaufe they are fpiritually dif- cerned. Becaufe H E provesnothing, he imagins that neither the Holy Ghoft nor any *can or doth prove anything, fo wilfully blind and ignorant is hee. In the next place, he repeats myobjetJion, and theSolution, and faith: Firff, to this we fay, That the habit of fin is deßroyed, &c. now the habit of learning is not in the leaft diminifhed,much leffede- ftroyed. GoodMr. Armiger, dó you know what an habit is ? or isfin nothingbut an habit ? who taught you this ? the school-men that wereas blind as your felfe ? Is not an habit that quod crebris agi- onibus acquiritur, and is. fin nothing more ? what doyou deny original fn ? or hath fin no inherency in our corrupt natures, as we proceed from the pf SI, loynes of loft Adam? Arewenot conceived infînne and brought forth in iniquity? or dare you deny the plainwords oftheApofHe, who faith , and were by nature the children of wrath as well as others? now I never knew that, that which is by nature could be anhabit; for habitsarife from acquifitions andans; yet this is thegreat Learning ofthe Armiger, and in fuch like flands the whole ftrength of his Argu- ments. In the famepage, he faith, it will be moremani- feft ifwe confider learning in it felfe to be indiffe- rent, either goodor evil, according as it is ufed or I r abufed;