306 ARefponfon toforsepretendedArguments abufed; now is fin fo ? Here is a verybold affirmati. on, that learning is an indifferent thing, eithergood or evil ; but where is the proofe of it ? not one word tomake it good withall; furely muff .hisip- fe dixit ferve for anArgument ? well, I mutt tell him once againe, that humane learning is not by me taken inan abflratt confideration, but in aconcrete, as it is the AF,tionandprodut of corrupted nature, and fo it is laiddown inmy definition of it, which . was obvious; enough if he had not been wilfully blind ? but according to the proverb, There is none blindas he that will notfee. If! hadconfidered it abtra6lively, and feparate from the fubje&of inheefion (which inmy difcourfe had been improper and unprofitable) then I had con- fider'd it precifely, quatenus fcientia, and then the word HUMANE had been cut of, andbeer, left out, and foperhaps I Ihould not flick, in a Phy1ical, or moral refpe&, with Arftotle tohave alerted, that amnisfcientia efi de genere bonoruns. But it is cleare, that what I argueofit is in a Theologicalrefpe&, aiid is foplaine, that none but ignorant perfons could tniflake mydrift and expreíiìons. This man would make it an indifferent thing, as thoughfome actions offinful and wicked men were indifferent, andnot Prov.2,04.. finful, when the Scripture faith, the plowing of the wicked isfin. And therefore I will give himan tn- fwerableargument or two. Every tree that is evil, hathalto all itsfruit evil. But every manbynature is an evil tree. Ergo, every man by nature hath alto allhis fruit evil. The