Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

\digainfl Mr. Webflers Boo(cali"d, The SaintsGuid. TheMajor is grounded upon the words of our Saviour; Agood tree cannot bringforth evilfruit,nei- Mar., ig. ther can acorrupt treebringforth good fruit. Agood man out ofthegood treafure ofhis heart bringethforth Luk.6.45. that which is good : andan evil man out of the evil treafisreofhis heart bringeth forth that which is evil. I fuppofe the Minor needs no proofe, we are all born infin, andcouceiv'din iniquity : In Adamwe all Rom 3. die, all havefinned, and are deprived of theglory of 23. God ; And there is none that doth good, no not one. Pfal i 4.3. And that humane Learning is the fruit of the feJh, is manifefi, becaufe it is laiddown in the definition, to be,all that fcience or knowledge that is or may beacqwired by naturali Power, Capacity, and In- dusfiry. Again, whatfoever isfoolifhneffe in the efleem and acc unt ofGod, is fin. But thewifdomoftheworld is foolifhneffe in the efleem and account ofGod. Ergo, it is fin. I fuppofe no wife man will deny the Major, and theMinor is madeout of the Apoftles words, For the wifdom ofthis world oo¢I6e r u x 00-(AM 71;7g, is foolish- 3 neewith God ; And that humane Learning is the ,9, wifedomeofthe world is clear,in thedefinition. Now, whether the Armiger or I be in an error , He that faith it is an indifferent thing, or I that fay it isfin, let the world judge. And therefore his long limy of making a mans end in Learning the GloryofGod , that therebyhe may bebetter enabled to read, converfe, difpute, and fpeak concerning the my,fleries of Salvation, K r 2 with