Mat. n.27 Job.rr.12 r Cor.i.19 C01.1. 27. ARefponfion toforrepretendedArguments withhis eryes in the end, areas frivolous as the refr. For, man naturally knows not wherein the gloryofGod confifFs 5 For he hath finned, and comes fhort oftheglory of God : neither knows he the true way that God is tobe glorified in : No man knows theFather but the Son, and he to whom the Son will re- veal him ; And therefore this is but an Hypocritical pretence; vain man wouldfeem to be wife, though he be born a wild Afes Colt. And for man to labour to know the myferies ofGod, in a way that God hath not intended todifcover them in, is but to fight a- gainf him, and to labour to buildup what God hath declared that he will deflroy ; For he will dejiroy the wifdom ofthe wife, andbring to nothing the underfian- ding of theprudent : And therefore it is not an holy pretence that will make the thingholy; We mull not do evil that goodmay come thereof. And I mull~ tell him, that I could have written andfpoken as he doth, by the help onely ofhumane Learning; but I could not write norfpeak that My- fiery whichhathbeen hiddenfrom Ages andGenera- tions, and is nowmademanifeflunto his Saints, with- out the Supernatural and miraculous teachings of that Spirit which leads into all truth. And therefore leaving his Phy/call A&s and Mo- rall Circumf}ances, I (hall from what hath been laid, {hew him in what refpectsTheologically hu- mane Learning is fin: 1. As it is nefcient and ignorant of themyfleries of Jefus Chrift, and the truefpiritual worfhip ; for no- thing reveales that but the Sononly, and fo even as1 privation, anddeficiency it is fin, and finful. 2. As