4gainft Mr. Webfers Boossaltd, TheSaints Guid. 309 2. As it is theAct, Fruit, andproduct ofmans cor- rupt heart , fo it is altogetherfinand evil, and that continually. And therefore I truly conclude againft him ( as I did before in the firt± solution) that in this cafeand in thefe refpeas, no more can be pre- dicatedof Learning then often. He goes on in the z 27. and t 2 8. pages, andasks whether all reading, hearing, and teaching, be like the principles from whence they flow? which he need not have reiterated; For I mutt let himknow, that all thefe are either done in the power of that wifedomewhich is from above, and then they are not Gnfull, or elfe in the power of that wifedome that isfrom beneath, and then it is Jinfull and defr- leth. Therefore the Gofpel tofuch is as a Parable, becaufe.they fèeingfee not, and hearing they hear not, Mat.13.13 ne "ether doe they underfland 5 and fo did the scribes and Pharifees 5 they preached to others, read,heard, and made long prayers, and yet died in their firmes, and all they did was but like the principle from whence it came, earthly, fenfual, anddevilif ; And foare all theArguments this Adverfary hath yet vo- mited forth. Againe, he makes a great noife about outward means, and the inwardaßìfrance of the spirit, but gives us no definitions what they are, nor what he means by them : I {hall tell him in one word,There is no means under Heaven but Jefus Chrift only that either brings the Fathers love unto man, or man unto theFather : And therefore hemight have re- membred, that we are not arguing whetheranan may heare, ornot heare ; read, or not read; but, whether