Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

A`Iïefponfion tofame pretendedarguments, &c. whether Humane Learning bee fin or no ; And therefore all that he hath faid here ( nay anywhere elfe ) is but impertinent and not to the fate ofthe 2eflion. And for that Scripture,it is neither wrefed nor mfilaken,as hewould infinuate;for Weither he or any other lookbut to the beginning of ICor. ;.h2 fhal find that the cornparifn is madebetwixt the Apo- file Pauland thole that were but miniflers ofthe let- ter ; for he faith, Do webegin againe to commendour felves,or needweas Tome othersEpiflles ofcommendati- on toyou?v.Ai. and fopofitivly concludes, what kindof Minifiers he and fuch like are made; namely ofthe newTefiament,not oftheLetter, but of the spirit; for the Letter kìlleth, but the spirit giveth life. v. 6. And ifthe Cornparifon lay betwixt the Miners of the La mand the Gofpel, it will be clear, That he that is but AMinfler of the Letter, cando no more out hill, but theMinflry ofthe Spirit laves; and fo,that I urged right and not improperly, ashe fuggefis. Well, the Man is focivil to take leave ofme, but yet not without uncivil languge ; he muff needsend as he began ; a Leopard cannotchange his"pots, nor a Blackamore hk hew ; and fo he wifhes force able Pen wouldtakehim to task, andunmaskthe Impofior. I never perceived until now, that theman knew the weaknefe ofhis ownfirength, and therefore callsfor aide ; I thought he had donefuffieient to confute me, and muff he now have aJfáfiance from force o- ther able Pens ? Alas , hath he plaid fo decevingly with himfelf, that he never knewuntil now, that truth kgreat andwillprevaile ?