Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

agilWkia0040kvArAtet: qAMAltWtOrtS/AMS A TESTIMONY Freely Given BY 7o. Webfier of Dr. Everards late Prin- ted Sermons in his publick fpeaking in the meeting place at Alb Lumbardstreet. Which are tobe fold byR.Harford at theBible and States-Arms inLittleBrittain. * N. D therefore Icannot but take notice, and Imuchwonderat that precious Boof late- lyprinted, which it may be, many ofyou have not taken notice of, being Sermons *** preached by Dr. Everard, call'd Gofpel Treafures opened ; wherein, he among other Divine things expreffeth thispoint in feveral of hi, Sermons, mofi Divinely and Elegantly; and could not but recommend it to you, having mach at the Heavenh fweetneffe in it ; and Iwonder en- liners and fweetnefs of his fpirit ; for to me it is as clear apiece as any Iknow extant ; Setting forthCar to this particular) the infinite and deep condefcentionof thegonofGod, beingGod equal with hisFather, yet toHoop lower andbeneath the nnexpreffáble mifery 7-1