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3 I 2 Mr. Webgers Teflimony to Dr. Everards Sermons. -____Pal. 11611b1.11r ofmans to daring him up again. He there(hewing, that herein lay the great and unconceivable M.-rings of Chrift ,far beyondhis externalfii f rings ofwhipping, reviling., (pitting upon, crowning withThorns, or his crucifying upon the Cro e, and the like ; all being far below and not worth the naming the (ame daywith therefigffrings. And hewing alfo how thefe things are to be alfo in every Chriflian. And that this Libertypurchafed byChrif%, is not to encourage the flefh, or purchafe libertyfor it ; but tisfor the inward man, and the fpirit ; Andhow, he once having fuch a principle oflife, he cannot give way to fin, but V his bondage ; andhow the power of Chrift inn Hayes all fie a linÇs in the love of them ; And that all things ofinanfl:all be (lainandcrucifide in him by the deathofthe Son of God ; And that thefe are the things which f all be burnt up for ever and ever with unquenchable fire. And although manyfelf -wife Pro- fe(frs in the worldare offended at the Book, andflick'' not to afperfe andbely it with their commonFlanders of Error andHeterodoxal opinions and the like:Yet we know the World can do no other, but will bely the Truth, as it alwayer hath done : And the more Di- vine any truth is; the more they oppofe it ; Why ? Be- caufe tie Light thereof Condemnes their Darknefe, Sinne, and ignorance and their Trances : And theyare not able to Band , in, or beare the Light there- of: For either they mull Condeinne the Truh to Jufrifie themfelves, or elfe Condemne themfelves by the Truth, which they can never doe, till they are overcomeandCaptived by the Truth. FINIS.