The Mountainoffat things difeovered. arebut mens Coverings, which cover themfelves with a co- vering (as they think) from all evil and wrath, but 'tis not Efa.28:20 theLords Spirit : TheBed is too broad, and the Covering is narrow,it will notdefend them from theLords fierce wrath : Thefe are they that have kindled afire to warm themfelves at, Ibid. 5o. but theypull lie down (faith the Lord) in thefire that theyhave ti. kindled, and in the Jparks that they have gathered together : And for all their forms, and prayers, andduties, and ordi- nances, and holineffes, andwafflings, andbaptizings, and receiving the Sacraments, and the like, yet this is that they Jhall receive at my hand, They fhaal lie down in forrow : for when you did all thefe things, did you them at all untome,and not untoyour felves ? didyou at all fait unto me ? though ye pretended to Peek me early, and to leek nie daily, anddid delight to knowmy wayes, as a Nation that did righteoufnef e,. and as ifthey forfooknot (in the leaf) the ordinances of their God, and takedelight in approaching to God : yet for all thisfaith the Lord to the Prophets, Cry aloud, lift up your Efa. 58. r. voices liks aTrumpet, andfhewmy people their Tranfgreffion, and theHoufe of Ifrael theirfins : Allthefe things will not deli- ver thee fromwrath, but thou (rather then any other) (halt lie down inforrow,and Publicans andHarlots (for all your ho- Mac.' 21. lineffe and itriEtneffe) (hall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven 31. & if. before you , And itJhall be eafier with Tyre and Sydon in 22. the day ofjudgement, then for thefe that have done thefe and thefe things in his name ; yet for all this will Chrif} fay, de- partfromme, I know you not, ye workers of iniquity : there was nothing but iniquity inyour righteoufneffe, in all your duties, in all your forms and profeffions : you of all other /will not know : you of all others departfrom nie ;you of all others are workers ofiniquity ; you above all fball lie down in Prow, and in thefparks that you have kindled : you thought your felves better then others, holier then 'others, -whenyou are indeed and in truth the vileft and worft of all others. Therefore moil defperate and molt miferable are thefe above all, in as much as they thought themfelves before all : when they thinkbecaufe oftheir holineft becaufe of their confor mitt', becaufe oftheir moderation, becaufe of their abJtinence,. becáufe,