Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

Joh.6.ç5. Efa. 2ç. i 3 Prov.i I.q The Vailfpreadover All Natians,and becaufe of their nmeekneße, becaufeoftheir gravity, therefore they are better then others;here is the great andunfpeakable delufion oftheir own hearts ; For grace and true religión never teacheth any man to think highly of himfelf: but to think highly of Jeíus Chri.ít; grace debafeth man more P nd more; and brings him to fee the Bottonzlrße deceit and delu- fion ofhis own heart ;. It teacheth men not to thinkbetter and better ofthemfelves, but worfe and worfe ; and makes men not to defire praife or high efteem from others, but it would have Clirift have all theglory and praife, and it felfe to be Icy and lets, and worfe and' worfe it its own efteem ; for the more grace, themorelight, which difcovers more and more. the infinite and bottomleffe vileneffe and delufion of their own natures. Beloved, this is the true teaching, which comes only and alone from Jefits Chrift : mans teaching can never bring this about; but this teaching and learning is from the Father, fromHeaven : men learn this lcifon onely in the Scboole of Chrift ; there God is madefomethin , and indeed all in all, . andman is nothing but an infinitneffe of fin andmifery. Let every one therefore examine himfelfe by this rule, and lay it clofe to his bwn heart : if he feeds himfelf, orglories, or feats himfelfwith any other thing then this, that he is brought to nothing:that God alone may inhim and in the whol earth be all in all : let himbe filre he Bath not his teaching from this one Father, and this own Mager, but his teaching is onely by the precepts ofmen. And till a man be come to know this in experience, whatever he thinks ofhimfelf,and whatever acquiredparts or holineffe he bath, and though he be never fo much admired by others, he feeds but on the rrifdome ofthe fief ,, and lives and depends on that the World adores for theirgods, either on the external lufis and plea- fitres ofthe world, or elfe on Silver, and Gold, richesand honour, Lands or preferments, &c. which cannot profit a man in the day ofwrath, Prov. I i. 4. or elfe they feed upon their own riQhteoufneße, their own duties, on theft. Ieaving this fin, or thatfn, or (as they fuppofe)al7 fin, all grofl'e fin, and it may beconceive that their obedience is .according to the rule