36 The Builders of Babel Mat. 12. 33 gtbr Efa. K 20. ]ob.38. 2. the wifedome ofGod, norno righteoufneffe but the ever- lafting righteoufnefl"eof that onlyONE andAlfufficie rt Sa- viour theLord Jefus Chrift: He that fayes there is any good thing in man, any righteoufneff, wifedome, power, endeavours, after any good or the like, he is no other but a, moll abominableblafphemer. And this conceit and prefump- Lion theLord hathcurfedand will confound : for can an e- vil treebring forthgoodfruit? Either make, the tree evil and his fruit evil, or elfe make the treegood and his fruit good : can man beevil and wholly evil, and yet bring forth any thing that is good ? or is there anygoador any holinefs but what is from thefountain ofgood ? for any to dare to fay other wife, is high blafphemy to God and Jefus Chrift, to take that which is proper and peculiar to the ever bleffed God, and to afcribe it to a fnful, nothing, empty creature for any man to take the Crown from off the head of Jefus Cbri l,. and to fet it uponhis own head, and fay this is his, what greater indignity ? what higher blafphemy then to fay that which is crooked is ftrait, and to call darknefs, light, and evil, good ? Who are thefe, that darken counfel by words without knowledge ? From what principle think you, cometh all the religion ofthis nature ? and fromwhencecometh this kind of teaching ? That manmuff be fomething, andMAN muff do, andHE E muffaft, and HEE muff beleeve,. andHEE muff repent, and there is fomething required of him to doe by way of condition, or elfe the 4fGod is frn{trate. Cer aainiy thefe men are no other but Babel. builders : they ne- ver yet knew the confufon of Languages in themfelves, they were never yet undone, made nothing, nor flript of their on power, wifedome, righteoufnef fe, nor convinced-of the va-- nity,and nothtngnefs ofall their power and endeavours : they never yet faw that thefe things were alone proper to Jefus Chrift, but they muß Work, and they muff doe, and they. mußalt. Thefe certainly (whatever they fay) never yet were convinced, that man was a lump of fin and weakneffe, never yet faw where the bottomlefs pit is, never yet cryed out mifery and fhame upon themfelves; but think they have fume goodneffe andfamepower, andWhile they are in this con-