Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

The Builders of Babel that defiles man, yea ALL the Eons ofmen, the wifeft, the learnedejt, the holieft ; who fought more after a conformity to the rules oftheScripture, then the Pharifees ? Who more exaa in thofe rules ? Whoattained more external learning then they ? The (pink ofman being once gone out from this ONE and Only Reft, he hunts and purfues after a thoufand things to make up his emptinefi ; having loft the Center of Eternaljoy,he is in continual motion and refis no- where : He walls up anddown through dry places, and findes Luk. t i, -no reft, he hunts up and down for the Land of S H I NAR,' 4 a place tofleep in, but cannot find it. Confider Oyefons ofmen, wheretó tend all your Iabours, allyour endeavours, allyour unweariednefTe? is it not to get fomething to reft upon tome pillow, fotnething to lay down your troubled and unquietedfpirit upon ? is there not fome- thing ofJelfe in all you do ? to provide foryourfelfe, to lay upforyourfelfe? Areyou not travailing from the Eaß to the Land ofShinar, that youmay get to the Land ofíleepineffe? Some,journying to one thing, forne to another,and all to this Land ofSh.inar ; to find a Re fl, to repefe thernfelves upon, and to truft in ; S6me, they are journyingafter riches, forne tohonour, forne to vain-glory and efieem of thole wholeefti- mation they think to be a happinefTe; and thefe things (and fuch like) of the low* andpoorefi things, many make their S HI NA R, their happineffe, their glory, their reft : And others there are, and they go .a little higher : thefe things do well, that the other reft in ; but thole things they think fomewhat too low, and therefore they will leekforne better things, as they conceive, as Learning and Arts, and skill in Tongues andLanguages, Philofophy, Afronomy, Aftrology, Geo- metry, and the like, and to excel others, and to be more a- ble then other men.Thefe or fomeof thefe theycount is their glory,&excellency,this is their SHINAR,and place ofjleepi- nefs : But moreover forne there are, who reft not here, that cannotfleep here; but they think ifthey can but attain to forne higher things, that concern thefoule and Heaven, and Eternity, then they could therein take their content and reft; the other who contented themfelves in riches and honour, and