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of a vifible Church of Chr(17. 127 through Strife or vain Glory: but fuch is the Carriage of Brethren one towards another fometimes when Differences arife in Churches, that one would àlmofi wonder what is become of Charity. 7. If Perfons would preferve Peace in the Church, they fhould fpeedily leek a Reconciliation, where Things are done that tend to the Breach of Peace, and he that hath given the Offence fhould make a free and ingenuous Acknowledgment of it. If thou bring thy Gift to the Altar, and there remembreß that thy Brother bath ought again'? thee, leave there thy Gift before the Altar : Firfi go and be reconciled to thy Brother, and then come and eel- thy Gift. 8. If Peace be in danger to be broken, ficop as low as poilible to prevent it ; if praying and entreating will prevent it, do not flick at that. I pray thee ( faith Abraham to Lot) let there be no Strife between me and thee, nor between thy Herds -men and my Herds -men. Do not think this to be beneath you, though it be to an Inferior? Lot was inferior to Abraham, for Abraham was his Uncle, yet he flicks not at that. We fhould floop fo low as to forego . fame outward Advantage for Peace fake. The Land is be- fore us, faith he, If thou wilt go to the right-Hand, I will go to the left; If thou wilt go to the left Hand, I will ,go to the right. He gives him his Choice, and all for the fake of Peace. A felf-denyingFrame of Spirit, contributes much to the Prefervation of Peace. To conclude then, Follow,; after Peace : And for your Encouragement, feed on that Promife, Live in Peace, and the God of Love and Peace fball be with you. t F I N I S.