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88 The Infitutiott and Government led among the Heathen, and they learned their Works, Pfal. cvi. 35. .. (z.) They ílrike at the Effence of a Church, in that the Church becomes relatively guilty thereby of the fame Im- moralities that are indulged by them. They can not commu- nicate with fach as are known to be guilty of Immoralities, but they contraì relative guilt thereby : Hag. ii. t t, 12, 13. c7 bus faith the Lord of Hoffs, a, ?OW the Priefts concern- ing the Law, fàying, If a Man bear holy Flejh in the Skirt of his Garment, and with his Skirt touch Bread, or Pottage, or Wine, or Oyl, fhall it- be clean ? And the Priefis fàid, no. Ver. s 3. ThenfaidHaggai, Ifa Man be unclean by touching a dead Body, and touch any of there, 'ha/lit be unclean? And the Priejis anfwered and fail, it (hall be unclean. Ver. 14. T hen anfwered Haggai, and Paid, So is this Peop'e, and fò is this Nation, faith the Lord ; and fo is every Work of their Hands . and that which they offer it is unclean. In one kind or other the whole Nation were relatively guilty. Parallel with this is the Cafe of a Church where moral Evils are in- dulged. The Apoflle exhorts the Corinthians to flee from Idolatry ; the Argument with which he inforceth his Ex- hortation was this, The Cup of Billing which we bleft, is it not the Communion of the Blood of Chrift ? and the Bread which we break, is it not the Communion of the BodyofChriß? for we being many are one Bread and one Body; for we are all partakers of that one Bread. Behold Ifrael after the Flefh,; _Are not they who eat of the Sacrifice partakers of the Altar ? What fay I then, that the Idol is any thing, or that which is offered in Sacrifice is anything? But this I fay, that the Things which the Gentiles fiicrifice, thyfacrifiee to Devils, and not to God. And I would not that you fhould have fellowfii with Devils, i Cor. x. 14. -2 t . Thofe that did join with the Gentiles in their Idol Worfhip, were guilty of their (do- latry : Though I do not think they deigned to worship the Idol, yet they eating of the Sacrifice, were Partakers of the Altar. And fuch as did afterwards join with them in the Supper, were relatively guilty; for they being many, were one Bread, and one Body; the.firll were unclean by communicating with the Gentiles, and the fecond by tom- municating with them : Though they did not touch the- lead Dray A