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Ver.9, t o. the Epiftle to the Romans. turall corruption , being alike linnets by nature : the Jewes had a preferment of f.svour, to bee Gods peculiar people, to have his Law and Prophets: but con- cerning their manner ofjuffification be- fore God (by faith not by works) it was all one to Jew and Gentile, all be- ing (inners. Tim. Whet did he mane by all being under fìnttel St C. That all men are under the guilt andpunifhment of tin, which is a mat- ter of fuch danger, as it were better to have the whole weight of the world upon us,then to be under the burden of one fin ;becaufe the wrath of God(which is the heavieft thing in all the world) Both hang and lye upon fin and (inners for ever. Under which condition, all men without exception (that are but meer men) do lye, Joh.I.S. TIM. Whereof doth tbio admonifh tn? S I L. Firff,.of the miferable conditi- on of all mankind through fin. Second- ly, it itirreth up our mindes to thinke upon, and lookeafter a Saviour.Third- ly, it doth teach us to reprove others with companion, confidering our (elves be tanners, and in the fame cafeand cono demnation, Gal.6 .1. T i M. How doth be prove the guilt and condemnation of all men? S I L. By authority of Scripture, Pf41.iq..3. T r M. What learnt we from this? S IL . That all divine truth muff bee proved by Scripture, becaufe the Con - fcience is not perfwaded of any Paving truth till it heare God fpeakè,who now doth not fpeake to us, but in his word only. Secondly, he fpeaketh to his Church in Scripture onely,and his voice alone is fufficient to perfwade all truth. For the word of God is pet fe &,Pf, t 9.7. T I M. From what Scripture doth be feteb his frrfi Authority? S t L. From Pfál. rq..3. There if none righteous, no not one. In there words all . men be comprehended, as it appeareth by theuniverfàll particle [None.] Alfo by doubling the denial!, [No not one.] That is, none at all, one or other. T t M. But were not Adam and the Man Chrifi righteous? S I L. They were fo : but Chrii was more then a man, and Adam was righ- teous before his fall, This fentence muff be underftood of meer men, fuch as they be fince the fall of Adam; as for David, ttonerigt. bob, Zachary,with other righteous men; reon, . r they are indeed called righteous, but it "arxrm was with unperfe& righteoufneffe inhe- rent, or imputed to thttlr Faith ; or by cornparifon, as in Gen. 6.9. Ti M. What is meant here then by righ. teoufne? S r L One that is perfe&ly confor- med to the will of God in all his thoughts, words, and works, without any fault ordefe &. Of this f rt of men, there is nut one to bee found in all the some men hocke oft/it/wit. The reafon is, becaufe be counted n all men are conceived in fin 5 and after ex$,,,;, ghrnous their new birth, they have fin hill dwel- ling in them,Rom.7.14,15 ,16,/7,18,13tc. TI M. Rut it is only mens allions that are not righteous, the perfons of the dell are al,- reap: righteous. Si L. ThisTextfpeaketh of perlons (no man :) againe, ifperfons be righte- ous, then the a &ions are not, nor can- not be unrighteous. T i M. What fol%wesofthis? S i L. That all have need of the righ. teoufnes of Ch rift apprehended by faith, that they may (land jufl beforeGods tri- bunall feate, feting all and every one be in their owneperfons deffitute of righ - teoufneffe, nay full of unrighteoufneffe. DIALOGUE Verfes 11,12. There is none that underfiandetb, tbete is none that fee%;h God, they! dre. all gone out of the way, thry ls.rue beene-made altoge- tber unprofitable, there it none that Both good, nonot one. T IMoTnEus. jHat istbe drift oftbefeScriptures? S i L. To condertond all man- kinde of fin , and therefore void of true