f 92 AnExpofition upon Chap.3. true righteoufnelTe, wanting Chrilt who alone is the justice of (inners. Tat. Wherein doih the corruption of finne appear? S I L. Vide, in the underflanding by ignorance.Secondly,in the affeaions,by Jrowardnesfe. Thirdly, in the aaions,by doing evill, and leaving good undone. Or thus: he accufeth the Jews : First, of inju(tice. Secondly, of blindneffe. Thirdly, of falling away. Fourthly, of deceit. Fiftly, o£ttrfing. Sixtly,of cru- elty. Seventhly, of difcord. Eigh tly, of prophaneneffe. T r M. Why dotb he fay, [ That all men are without anderffanding ?] S r L. Becaufe all men naturally doe lack the true knowledge of God to sal- vation, even as blinde men, who for lack of eyes fee not the Sunne, though it Thine neverfo bright: and note, that Paul fetteth downe by negation, what the Pfalnrif# fpeaks affirmatively, kee- ping the fens, though not the words, by his Apoftolike authority. T t M. What war obferved here? S t L. The policy of Satan, doing to all men as the Ravensdoe to the Lambs, whole eyes they first pick out,when they will devour them. Secondly, the mifery of man, being in his molt noble part (that is, his underflanding) wounded and fpoyled,fo as he perceiveth not the things ofGod,nor can do. I Cor.3.1 4. Ti M. Why dotb he begin with the under - Handing? S I L. Becaufe on this dependsth the whole life, which cannot be but evill, when the mind is naught; for ignorance is the mother both of erreur, [Teerre not knowing the Scriptures :3 and of pro - phaneneffe, as it is written, Ephet,4.18. TIM. What learns we from hence? S I L. First,to be humbled for our ignorance. Secondly, to pity others that remaine fill in ignorance, being ready to iuftrua them, and to pray for opening their eyes. Thirdly, to thank God for found knowledg if we have any. Fourthly, to pray to God for an understanding heart, for we have it not by naturali inttina. TIM. Why dotb be fay [ None feektb God] f eing there is none bat t reeks Gcd ?F or the Heathens and Pagans acknowledge a God, and give a worship to God. S I L. None Peek him aright, and as he ought to be fought, nor can do while they live in (inne: for men in seeking God,faile in many things : As firft,men feek him not,for himfelfe. Sewn ily,they leek him not alone, but other things with him. Thirdly, they leek other things before him, as worldlings do. Fourthly, they leek him coldly or care - lefly. Fiftly,they feek him inconilantly; examrle in Judas and Demar. Sixtly, they leek him not in his word, as Here - tiques dce. Seventhly, they leek him not in all his word,asHypocrites do.Laftly, they tick him not feafonably and time- ly, as prophane impenitent finners do, have no care to depend upon Gods word, but follow their own lufts and fashions of this world. Revel. 12.2. TI M. What is this that be faith[ All are unprofitable ?] S t L. In refpea of God,or any good- neffe, men are ofno ufe, no more then froth or rotten things, which men cat+ out for their unprofitableneffe. In this refpe&R, the holy Ghoft in Scripture, doth compare unregenerate men to thornes and thiftles: as allo, they are compared to chaffe and other vile things, wherein yet there is Tome profit: but men are altogether unprofitable. Alto they are compared to clouds without water, trees withered without fruit, Iude 12. cut offfrom God, as branches from theVine, lohn 15.4,5 TIM. What are we to note herein? S I L. The great ruine brought upon us by Adam, that a creature fo excellent by creation,thould be fruitlefíe. Second- ly; that great grace given unto us by Christ, in whom the dea be refaced; in the one,there is matter of humiliati- on, and of glory and joy in the other. Tim. Why Both he fay,tbat [they are all met oftheyway ?] S r L. Becaufe they are all departed from the Commandements of God, which are thewayeswherein we are to walks towards heaven: even as {heepe fraying from the fold and as wayfa. ring